
I havent felt the need to write in sometime because I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to say. I am off to a new adventure soon. Me and boyfriend have bought a house together and I am planning to move there but coming this idea of having to move to be with someone has been harder than I thought. I am leaving my best friend, my parents and my whole life to behind to be with this one person. Everyday I battle with myself do I stay or do I do.

I am always doing for others putting my personal life on hold or just not having time to have a relationship I feel super selfish that I am moving and I can say that I am okay with leaving it all behind but I have to be honest I am not.

I am not okay that I am going to be alone when my boyfriends not home.

I am not okay that when times get hard I cant go see my best friend or get a well needed hug when I need one from my parents.

I am not okay with leaving my dog behind (She’s staying with my parents for a while)

“You know a friend is found when you are happy to see them. You know love is found when it hurts to leave them

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